Nearly half of Venezuelans arriving in Peru say return is risky


Nearly half of Venezuelans who arrived in Peru in recent months say that returning to their country carries some kind of risk, according to a study published today by the International Organization for Migration ] (IOM),

The third survey of Venezuelans' travel tracking matrix in Peru found that the main reasons why 48.1% of them feel that it is risky to return in their country are insufficient economic income keeping the family, insecurity and limited access to basic services.

Most of those who mentioned insecurity claimed that they would be persecuted, badaulted or discriminated against by an armed group or threatened

. 17% of Venezuelans surveyed arrived from Caracas in Peru, 11% from Carabobo, 10% from Lara, 9% from Táchira, 7% from Zulia; 6% of Mérida and 5% of the State of Anzoátegui

The most recurrent reasons to leave Venezuela are economic, lack of access to food, insecurity and family reunion.

47.1% Venezuelans who come to Peru have completed university studies and 26.4% have a full technical degree.

More than half are between 18 and 29, while 17% are 30 and 34, 12% between 35 and 39 and 15.8% between 40 and 59

Among those who settled in Lima, 85% work without having signed a contract of employment and 46% do so with a monthly salary of between 984 and 1,968 soles (between $ 295 and $ 590).

For its part, 34% receive between 656 and 984 soles (between 197 and 295 dollars) and 11% earn less than 656 soles per month.

More than two-thirds of Venezuelans living in the Peruvian capital who sent 35.1% reported having been discriminated against, almost all because of their nationality, and in the case of women, also because of their bad

. 16.1% reported being abused, with 65.5% verbal insults, 42.2% physical abuse and 13.3% badual abuse.

The IOM survey It took place between April and May in 1636 Venezuelans in Lima and at the border posts that Peru has at its borders with Ecuador and Chile [19659004] Peru is the second country that most Venezuelans have received in recent months, just behind Colombia, and currently hosts more than 350,000 citizens of that country, the majority of whom live in Lima.

The IOM warned in its study that there is information that the number of victims of human trafficking for the purpose of badual exploitation is increasing and that the number of victims of human trafficking for the purpose of badual exploitation is increasing. a common form of recruitment has been through fake job offers. EFE

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