Neme: "At the end of December, the team gave us the reason"


Source: StudioFútbol

Nbadib Neme, President of the Emelec Sport Club, was interviewed by Washington Sánchez reporter of the RTS Channel Cup program last night at the Capwell Stadium because of the founding parties of the city of Guayaquil

In this interview we touched several important questions and here the textual phrases of the president of Emelec

The international tournament that wishes the blue team: "We always try there is only one Ecuadorian in 60 years who has done so so it is not as easy as it is supposed. "

About the departure of the important players and the finances of the club: "Emelec has had the exodus of a dozen or so sales players who represented for the institution a significant patrimonial increase that allowed it to survive with a comfortable cash-flow and a financial strength. "

Upon the arrival of Foreign Orts: "With the arrival of López, Queiroz and Vega the quota of foreigners is over and we do not see on the horizon a way to improve the staff to which I I am very confident and in which it will be reiterated what has happened regularly in recent years. years … We believed in ourselves and at the end in December, contrary to the commentary of the journalists, the team gave us the reason. "

The second stage of the championship: " Emelec will fight at every stage, we are aware of the power of our team but we also respect some rivals who will fight like us. "

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