Netanyahu considers "historic" approval of the Jewish Nationality Act – The EC Republic


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the weekly cabinet meeting in his office in Jerusalem on Sunday, January 29, 2017. (Abir Sultan, Pool via AP)

Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu felt that "it is a decisive moment in the history of Zionism and the State of Israel", after the approval by Parliament of the "Basic Law of the nation-state "which guarantees Jewish identity " We have enshrined in law the basic principle of our existence, "said the head of government in his Facebook account on new regulations that recognize only the self-determination of the country to this group. 19659003] " Israel is the nation-state of the Jewish people which respects the individual rights of all its citizens . This is our state l. Jewish state "he said, adding," Today we have made it a law: it is our nation, our language and our flag. "

The law , according to the text, "is to ensure the character of Israel as the national state of the Jews in order to codify in a fundamental law the values ​​of Israel as a state." Democratic Jew in the spirit of the principles of his Declaration of Independence "

This includes the Hatikva hymn (musical adaptation of a Jewish poem on the return of the people to Israel ), the white and blue flag with the star of David in the center, a menorah (candelabrum) Jew of seven arms with olive branches in the ends as symbol of the country and the Hebrew as official language

The Speaker of Parliament, Yuli Edelstein, also declared with a spirit of celebration that the plenary had "made history" by approving "One of the laws". army reported.

Critics of the law say that it is discriminatory towards minorities, such as Israeli Arabs (Palestinians who remained inside Israel's borders after the end of the war). creation of the state, in 1948), and this provokes them unnecessarily by emphasizing the preferential treatment of the Jews .

"No one believes that the government is interested in the nationality or the state of Israel" said Shelly Yajimovich, a member of the Labor Party of the Union Zionist opposition, who added that this law encourages a form "degraded nationalism that hates each other", according to the newspaper Yediot Aharonot. EFE


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