Netanyahu warns that Israel will prevent "any attempt" to violate its border


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attends a weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem on Sunday, January 17, 2016. Netanyahu condemned an act of vandalism allegedly by Jewish extremists, who painted Hebrew graffiti on the walls of the church. a famous church in Jerusalem. (Photo by Dan Balilty / Pool via AP)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned today that Israel will prevent any attempt to violate its border, either air or land, by commenting on the situation. entry into its territory of a drone Syria which was intercepted with an Israeli missile.

"A few hours ago, an unmanned vehicle infiltrated Syria in the territory of Israel and was shot down.I want to point out that we are going to prevent any attempt to violate our air and land borders, "Netanyahu said during a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin

Netanyahu, making his third visit to Moscow. Up until this year, he added that every meeting with the Russian leader was "an opportunity to act together to strengthen security and confidence in the region".

million. Putin, for his part, noted the good relations that unite the two countries and the development of cooperation in the economic, commercial, military and humanitarian fields.

"Bilateral relations develop very positively", badured the head of the Kremlin. 19659004] Previously, the Israeli army said that the drone intercepted today "10 kilometers inside Israel" belonged to the armed forces of Syria .

According to a military spokesman, the Israeli forces identified the unmanned vehicle before crossing the Syrian border to make sure it does not belong to Russia or Jordan and then launched a Patriot missile on the object.

The situation in Syria whose results did not transcend, would be one of the topics of conversation between Putin and Netanyahu, announced before the meeting in the Kremlin sources of the two country.

The head of the Israeli government, according to badysts, was to reiterate to the Russian leader his position Syria .

In this sense, one of the topics of discussion would be the agreement of understanding that he maintains with the Kremlin to limit the presence of Iranian troops in Syria which is fight as allies of the Bashar al-Assad regime and are the main concern for Israel.

Netanyahu has already denounced that Iran wants to take advantage of the Syrian conflict to open its front against his country on the Golan Heights, the Syrian plateau which Israel occupies the western part since the Six Day War. 1967.

Putin's meeting with Netanyahu took place less than a week before the summit that the Russian president and his American counterpart, Donald Trump, will celebrate in Helsinki and in which the situation in 1945 will also be the same. one of the topics of the talks. EFE

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