New riot of Venezuelan "political prisoners" turns two days without answers


ARCHIVER | In this image of Friday, August 4, 2017, a protester against the government, face covered with a mask, flips a wall to get pieces of concrete to throw at the Bolivarian National Police during a demonstration against the Installation of a Constituent Assembly in Caracas, Venezuela. It's almost a fact that the installation of the Constituent Assembly will intensify the political crisis that has generated four months of protests, during which at least 120 people have died, and hundreds of thousands of people. others were imprisoned. (AP Photo / Ariana Cubillos)

The new riot of so-called "political prisoners" in Venezuela lasted two days in the absence of statements by the government of President Nicolás Maduro and with the concern of the church, which demands his release.

Opposition MP Delsa Solórzano broadcast a video in which twenty people are seen and the voice of prisoner Manuel Chacín is heard to ensure that the mutineers have "total control" of the dungeons of the headquarters of the Intelligence Service from Venezuela (Sebin) to Caracas, known as El Helicoide.

"We only have one clear and irrevocable request: we want this to be moved, that the Truth Commission be presented" to an organ of the National Constituent Assembly (NCA) in power that examines the cases of detainees, as part of the "plan of reconciliation" with the opposition maintained by the government of Maduro .

Chacín was arrested in October last year and reported by the government of allegedly involved in an explosion that wounded seven police officers during the violent protests of 2017, which resulted in more than 120

Prisoners have also badured that in Sebin cells, there are detainees who have a release card and people who urgently need medical care.

In this sense, Chacin demanded that detainees be in cells. Sebin with exit tickets "be released immediately", that foreigners are transferred to their original countries and that prisoners in need of medical care are transported to hospitals.

The mutiny erupted on Monday in an attempt by prisoners to denounce the alleged ill-treatment suffered in their detention and to require the mediation of the Office of the Prosecutor.

This is the second revolt for the same reason that the Helicoid until now this year, after that recorded between May 16 and 18, and after which several detainees were released.

Some relatives of detainees and opposition MPs remain outside El Helicoid to find information on the state of health of prisoners who remain mutinous.

From there, the opponent Lilian Tintori, who accompanies the relatives of the detainees, reiterated his demand for "full freedom" for "all political prisoners". "

" Nobody wants confrontation, nobody wants violence, we do not believe in it, we believe in freedom, we believe that political prisoners should all be free, "he said, while asking the presence of Red to examine the detainees.

Opposition MP Renzo Prieto, who was detained in these same cells and was recently released after his case was examined, said, at the headquarters Parliament, that the group of prisoners guard half of the prison "taken."

While the Venezuelan Church is concerned about the situation of "political prisoners", one of the "things the more serious "Past in this government."

"At this moment in Venezuela, this essence of the human being that is freedom is reversed (…), we are concerned about this situation" , said Bishop Roberto Luckert, representative of the Episcopal Conference Venezuela in statements to reporters in the vicinity of the Sebin

Religious also criticized that liberation documents that lawyers and detainees say that there are some of those considered as "political prisoners" do not are not respected.

That this is not respected means that there is no democracy in Venezuela.

These events occur in the silence of the Venezuelan government, whose spokespersons and officials of the celario issue and security have not spoken of the revolt.

For his part, the lawyer Alfredo Romero, director of the organization that leads the defense of "political prisoners", said through Twitter that within the Intelligence Service there are 10 people arrested for disagreement with the government who were "in secret" (without visits from parents or lawyers) for 55 days. "

However, Venezuelan opposition MPs say that there are 18" political prisoners "at Sebin headquarters. [EFE]

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