Nicaragua closed the month of June with inflation of 0.44% and cumulated inflation of 1.92%



Nicaragua closed last June with inflation of 0.44% and accumulated in the first half of 1.92%, informed the Central Bank today. hui. 19659003] The consumer price index (CPI) index from January to June is lower than the previous year, when it reached 2%, explained the issuing bank in a report monthly

. 0.55% in May and higher than the same month of 2017, when prices rose by 0.05%, according to official information.

Inflation from one year to the next (last twelve months) stood at 5.60%, 2.54 percentage points of more than that recorded in June 2017.

In its report, the Central Bank indicated that the behavior of inflation in June The past was determined primarily by the rise in prices of goods and services of food and beverage divisions. or alcoholics; restaurants and hotels; and housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels.

Nicaragua closed 2017 with inflation of 5.68%, 2.55 percentage points higher than the year before.

The government has calculated, before the socio-political crisis that has been raging since April 18, that the country's economy will grow between 4.5 and 5% in 2018, with cumulative inflation which will be between 5.5 and 6.5%

The central bank has updated its projection and now estimates that the economy will grow between 0.5 and 1.5%, lower than expected, with a inflation ] between 6.5 and 8.5%. EFE


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