Nicaragua denounced that he was tortured in a clandestine prison


July 26, 2018, 16:58

Student Marco Novoa recounted in NTN24 the harbadment suffered by paramilitary groups at the end of the government of Daniel Ortega in a clandestine prison in the country of ?? Central America

After 100 days of protests In Nicaragua, there is more criminalization and torture, as in the case of the young man, Marco Novoa, a Nicaraguan student who had to flee to the United States because he was victim of kidnapping and torture in a secret prison in the country.

This first public denunciation at the international level, Novoa ensures that for a week he was subjected to all kinds of harbadment by a paramilitary group of the government of Daniel Ortega.

Also, Novoa reported that he was taken to a secret prison where he was "tied with leathers instead of chains" and where there were other naked prisoners, to whom "they threw acid and skin became white when they were thrown away. "

editorial NTN24

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