Nicaraguan students besieged at church are released by Ortega forces


Outskirts of Divine Misericordia Church, Managua, Nicaragua, July 14, 2018. Photo by @PiruloAR

Managua, July 14. A group of Nicaraguan students who were taking refuge in a church in Managua under the seat of the police and paramilitaries, who had just attacked the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAN), left the temple today with the mediation of the episcopate

The students, entrenched since last night in the parish of Divina Misericordia, Managua, with three journalists, doctors and priests, left in vehicles, vans and a bus to the Metropolitan Cathedral, escorted by the bishops and the Nicaraguan Red Cross.

The youngsters were handed over to their parents in the back garden of the Metropolitan Cathedral of Managua, with the presence of Cardinal Leopoldo José Brenes and the Apostolic Nuncio Stanislaw Waldemar Sommertag, amidst religious and religious songs. Nicaraguan National Anthem

The students were greeted by a crowd that sang protest songs such as "The united people will never be defeated" and raised their fists in victory.

Young, who were more than 16 hours locked up the temple, they were kissed by their mothers, children and other relatives who cried excitedly to see them alive.

Before the students left the parish, hundreds of Nicaraguans stood near the place to demand that they be allowed to leave. students.

In this sit-down, attended by people of all ages, he dominated a highly religious environment that demanded the release of students, journalists, civilians and priests, according to Efe.

Several people They prayed and prayed for the liberation of Nicaragua and the release of the students, in the middle of a tense environment due to the strong presence of the police, the riot police, the parapolice The Aramilitaries, who surrounded the area, south-east of Managua

"We come to accompany the youth, we come to support people," said Efe Juan Domingo Gutiérrez Álvarez, vicar of the parish of San Agustín in Managua . "

" Our work, as a church, is always on the side of the poor, "he explained

The participants in the demonstration burst of jubilation when they were informed that they would release the students. 19659004] One of the students who remained locked up in this church died this morning with a gunshot, confirmed priests.

The victim was identified as Gerald Vásquez, 20, and was studying Technical under construction at the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAN)

At least five other students were injured, one from among them seriously.

The group of youths took refuge yesterday afternoon in the home of the Divina Misericordia parish in Managua, where it was besieged by paramilitaries and paramilitaries recently attacked by UNAN

The group took refuge in the parish, attached to the UNAN, where they were transferring wounded students for several weeks. the university headquarters to request the resignation of Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega.

The protests against Ortega that led to the uprisings began on April 18, due to failed social security reforms and became a demand for the president's resignation, after eleven years in power, accusations of abuse and of corruption against him EFE

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