Nine military prisoners for alleged attempted coup d'etat – La República CE


Caracas (EFE) .- Nine soldiers of the Navy of Venezuela were deprived of liberty by order of a military court of Caracas for their alleged participation in a State-sponsored coup plot, called "Operation Armageddon" reported today the newspaper Ultimas Noticias editorial line pro-oficialista.

The army which, according to the newspaper quoting a record to which he had access, was seeking "To prevent the presidential elections of May 20 and the badbadination of President Nicolás Maduro" are detainees at the Military Counterintelligence Directorate (DGCIM) .

The crimes attributed to it are "instigation to military rebellion, conspiracy for riot and against military decorum."

The publication states that this plan was directed by Luis Humberto de la Sotta second commander of the 8th Brig Comandos del Mar "Generalissimo Francisco de Miranda" ; Carlos Gustavo Macsotay Rausseo Commander of the 81st Special Operations Battalion "CC Henry Lilong García" ; and by Ruperto Molina Ramírez, Commander of the Special Forces Group No. 20.

"These three soldiers allegedly captured the captain of the frigates Luis Alberto Cunes Caldera, the lieutenants of the ship Raúl Eduardo Díaz Married, Ángel José Acosta Pérez, Antonio Julio Scola Lugo, Elías José Noriega Manrique and Gustavo Enrique Carrero Angarita " adds the newspaper.

According to the Venezuelan Parliament, which has an opposition majority, on June 26, in Venezuela, 152 soldiers are behind the Venezuelan government itself has acknowledged the so-called "conspiracy" plans within the armed forces and, at the end of May, he ordered the signing of a document demanding loyalty in the barracks. EFE (I)

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