NO OFFER: Cifuente will continue to U. Católica



Source: StudioFútbol

In the last hours it was disclosed that John Jairo Cifuente would leave the Catholic University to go to the old continent, especially Turkey ; however, this will not be the case at this time.

The editorial staff of STUDIO FÚTBOL contacted a person in charge of "Chatolei", who denied this information. We talked about the club Fenerbahce and when they answered that they replied that there had not even been any conversations

And in STEREO FIESTA the & # 39; 39; Degollador & # 39; said: "I am surprised that I am leaving in Turkey … nothing, every player aspires to leave, but nothing has materialized up to here."

Faced with a possibility in the future, the top scorer of the local tournament added: "I want to succeed abroad, club Fenerbahçe in Turkey club where it is given, welcome."

We leave the details to your disposition!


Jhon Jairo Cifuente at @ABCDeportivoEc 94.5 FM
"I am surprised that I leave for Turkey I still do not know anything, each player aspires to leave but nothing has materialized up to Here "

– StereoFiesta 94.5 FM (@ StereoFiesta1) July 18, 2018

Cifuente NOT # UCatólica .

The director confirmed that in # Fenerbahce there is no truth, they did not even exist conversations.

– Victor Loor Bonilla (@victorloorb) July 18, 2018

Credit Rating: Víctor Loor Bonilla

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