Office of the Prosecutor calls Gabriela Rivadeneira, Silvia Salgado, Ma. José Carrión and Fernando Cordero – La República CE


The President of the Assembly, Gabriela Rivadeneira, in a screenshot of YouTube, July 13, 2016.

The Attorney General of the State in Charge, Paúl Perez Reina called declares the presidents of the National Assembly Gabriela Rivadeneira and Fernando Cordero this Monday, July 23, as part of a preliminary investigation for to investigate an alleged impediment to control in the National Assembly

The same day, the representatives of the Supervisory Committee must also appear, Silvia Salgado and Maria José Carrión .

The Prosecutor acted in connection with the complaint lodged by CREO's Assemblywoman Ana Galarza for the investigation of Raúl Patiño's public statements and Miguel Carvajal from which emerges a so-called network couple to prevent the National Assembly from exercising its control function.

Raúl Patiño declared in January 2018 that the National Assembly was aware of the corruption in Petroecuador, but that his forgetfulness was hindered. "How many times have we met to say what we are doing, how are we pursuing the unfortunate people we all know to fly to Petroecuador, all those ministers who knew that they were doing things at a premium, but in the Assembly we did not know what to do? It is absolutely forbidden to control … " said Patiño, in a video that was leaked on the networks.

In March 2018, the former minister and former member of the Assembly Miguel Carvajal at the Congress of Ethics Committee of Alianza PAIS In the same congress, Carvajal denounced that in the National Assembly led by Gabriela Rivadeneira members of the militant badembly of Alianza PAIS had banned audits. "We were persecuted because doing acts of control was almost almost treason" . He pointed out that if there had been control in the National Assembly, "we would not have had the problems we have now."

On Tuesday, the 24th private hearing will be held for two experts to extract information from a disc containing an interview that will be exposed before all the procedural parts. This diligence will be carried out in the Department of Criminology.

This MAN says that they knew the acts of corruption and that they were prohibited in the @AsambleaEcuador FISCALIZAR. If you know # RaulPatiño that it is the duty of every official to denounce, say the names and who gave the orders. Not only MANGAS tells us the truths

– Homero Castanier J. (@hcastanierj) January 12, 2018

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