One thousand Nicaraguans demonstrated against the violence and repression of Ortega | NTN24


At least 1,000 people demonstrated Saturday in Managua to demand an end to the repression in Nicaragua and the violence that the government of Daniel Ortega has maintained since April 18, when protests against the presidential administration have started.

Protesters from two separate and initially small marches converged on a central street in Managua to continue the march in one group, which were joined by more people during the tour to seek justice for the deaths of government forces, as reported by the Efe news agency.

Nicaraguans left to walk under the slogan "Only people save people, they leave, they leave!" and "Masaya will flourish", and shout with one voice "this president is a delinquent" upon his arrival at the end of the demonstration, which took place in a symbolic roundabout , where photographs of people who died during the protests

"People, join!", "The united people will never be defeated!" and "Freedom for Political Prisoners!", "We want our Nicaragua to be free" were some of the slogans shouted by "so-called" protesters, who wore hundreds of flags of the country.

The convocation was less successful than the previous marches, Several thousand people attend, but "the increase in the repression and the fear policy of Ortega make that many people do not dare not leave their home, "Efe told a young student with the pseudonym" Gina ". 19659002] Since April 18, Nicaragua is plunged into a socio-political crisis as a result of the failure of the social security reform, which provoked popular agitation against the Ortega government, which repressed the demonstrations around 300 people killed by police and paramilitaries

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