ONLY THE FIRM IS MISSING: Mineiro has accepted BSC's offer by Erazo


Source: StudioFútbol

Last week, it was revealed that Frickson Erazo could return to Barcelona Sporting Club, team with which he was champion in 2012.

The footballer Esmeralda belongs to the # Atlético Mineiro of Brazil. The "yellows" had the intention to borrow the player for this second leg of the Ecuadorian Championship 2018.

Journalist Jorge Pazmiño met with Andrés Cury, representative of & # 39; elegant & # 39 ;. He said that the Brazilian team accepted the offer of "Idol". by the player.

Only the signature is missing. Erazo will sign his contract with Barcelona SC in the coming hours

We leave the detail at your disposal!

¡ATENTOS HINCHAS DE #BSC ! Andre Cury, representative of Frickson Erazo, confirms that Atletico Mineiro has accepted Barcelona's bid. The player would sign in the next hours his contract with the "bullfighters"

Cc @LaRadioRedonda Guayaquil 99.3 FM

– Jorge Pazmiño (@ japazmi) July 13, 2018

Note: Víctor Loor Bonilla

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