# OpinionSF The Cold Eurocopa of 2018 // By José Carlos Crespo


Source: StudioFootball

After spending a few days in San Peterbursgo, where I was able to observe the exciting Sweden – Switzerland, it was time to return to Moscow. The round of 16 was over; the moment of truth has begun. During the landing, what caught my attention was the small color of Domonovebo Airport. Unlike other nights, where the start and the boarding halls could be confused with football stadiums, today the yellow barely survived: Sweden and Brazil were alive and their fans had to search for new ones. roads.

What I did not expect was the following. Or at least not so abruptly. It was the same city, the same street. The same restaurants and bars, but the football world cup was over. Russia was again Russia. Without fans, without noise, without atmosphere. One rainy night in Moscow and me, in the middle of the Kremlin, the Red Square and the famous Street of Lights, very popular for having gathered thousands of fans during the month of the competition. What is it, I thought. However, the answer was quickly pbaded, it was very clear: they are all gone. We are all gone. Now almost a eurocopa is played.

I know that I do not discover anything by marking the differences that exist, when we feel football, between Europe and the rest. And I do not say Latinos, only because the joy that the Arabs, the Egyptians, the Tunisians and the Moroccans transmit is nothing to envy us. But all over the cup and, especially that night, I realized that even when it's technically the same, where they see a sport, a football tournament, we see and aspire to an opportunity.

An opportunity to venture out. To show the culture, its culture. Or, just to be better because "we are local", again. This chance to reduce the enormous social and economic differences that exist, to land them in a field where, in the beginning, they do not win. Although later, in the green of 100 meters, something else is said.

I am convinced that the Russians will not easily forget this month. The world, not European, teaches things that I do not believe, I've seen. And if they did, it was not quite close to them. To date, I could not answer what happened in Europe. But to see so few Spaniards or Germans in Moscow, from Poles to Kazan, from French to Nijni or from Swedes and Swiss to Peteraburg, was not a coincidence. Always play important things, never contributing to the presence in the stands.

It was very interesting to see how, while Colombians or Argentines went to the cities without buying tickets, making a carousel near the stadiums to buy their ticket, the few Europeans arrived arrived on the ground without dramas. major. It is very clear to me that the big loser of this world cup was the resale. Tickets almost always, half price, in all matches played outside Moscow.

The finale will come. The champion will be European and the one he has to celebrate will fill the world news with its crowded streets and squares. They play their world cup here, but they live it inside. The rest moves and lives where they play, but each time it costs them to play more.

While the rainy night in the street of lights was finishing, a Russian approached me to shout "rosiaaa, rosiaaa", his war song in this glbad. And then I badumed that if today they were not alive, it would have less atmosphere than Siberia.

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