Pablo Casado, new president of the Spanish PP – La República CE


l palentino Pablo Casado was elected today as the new PP President to replace Mariano Rajoy when he imposed himself in Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría during the vote of the delegates present at the XIX Congress national party. Beside him, his wife, Isabel Torres. EFE / Zipi

Madrid, July 21st. Pablo Casado was elected today president of the Spanish Popular Party (PP, center-right) with the support of 57% of the delegates participating in the extraordinary congress of this political formation

Casado (1981 ), currently responsible for the communication of the PP, beat the other candidate, the former vice president of government Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría according to the official result of the vote. [19659003] In particular, Casado obtained 1,701 votes, compared to 1,250 for his opponent

The new head of the Spanish center right happens to Mariano Rajoy who decided to leave the presidency of the PP and political after being expelled from the government on June 1, when he lost a parliamentary motion of censure by the Socialist Pedro Sánchez .

Among other challenges, Casado will have to keep the party together, renew it and regenerate it. to win the next general election – scheduled for 2020 – leave the opposition and re-govern Spain.

Before he will face the 2019 regional and municipal elections, which will be used to check whether the new leadership of the PP rectifies the electoral leadership of the party, which has lost three million votes in recent years.

After being proclaimed president, Casado is committed to integrating the party, the unity of Spain and the "political regeneration of truth."

The list of names proposed by Casado to elect the members of the National Governing Council, with 1,689 votes, compared to the 1,251 obtained by Santamaría's candidacy.

She and Casado were first and second in a previous vote of the activists held on July 5, in which four other candidates were eliminated.

Confident in the victory, the two presumed before The Congress had the support of various former Rajoy ministers and most delegates, which was resolved in the vote today. .

Amid growing tension between the two candidates, Santamaría proposed to his rival to join what the Casado rejected in a single list headed by it, [1959] Rajoy, chairman of the PP since 2004, did not opt ​​for a candidate, true to the commitment to remain neutral in the process

. experience

The new president of the Spanish People's Party (PP), Pablo married (37 years), who until now was in a second political plane, demonstrated his ambition to to compete for the center-right – without being a favorite – and to do so after having resisted the pressure of joining other candidates

Casado belonging to a new generation of Spanish political leaders, is the current PP communication officer, is defined as "liberal conservative" and maintains a speech in favor of the life, family and unity of Spain .

Your challenge will be to keep the party together, shake it from the ballast of corruption, prepare for the municipal and regional elections of 2019 and, most importantly, win the general election, presumably in 2020, so that the PP returns to govern l & # 39; Spain.

Despite the information that questions how he got part of his Academic Diplomas, Married remained firm to reach the final vote today, supported by a large part of the former ministers of Rajoy

Born in the city of Palencia (north) in 1981, married is the youngest of those who opted for the presidency of the PP.

He is national deputy of the province of Ávila (center), lawyer and economist; started in the PP in the hands of the former president of the government José María Aznar (1996-2004) – considered his mentor – and later became one of the trusted leaders of Rajoy .

PP in 2003 and was president of New Generations (party youth) between 2005 and 2013.

In 2015, with Rajoy, jumped to the PP national leadership, first as spokesperson for the election campaign of municipal and regional elections May this year; and later appointed communication officer (spokesperson) of the party. EFE

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