Paul McCartney asks for the support of the author's right



The singer Paul McCartney urged members of the European Parliament to support the new European Copyright Regulation, which will be voted in the House on Thursday.

Music and culture are important. They are the heart and the soul. But they do not happen without more; "," he wrote in an open letter to MEPs.

McCartney noted that "music also generates jobs and economic growth, in addition to fostering digital innovation throughout life "Europe."

However, he regretted, "that today some platforms refuse to compensate artists for their work, exploiting them for their own profit. "

The musician considers that the changes proposed in the regulation will further support and support European artists and writers.

The exBeatle joined a list of more than 1300 artists – including James Blunt and Plácido Domingo – who asked the politicians who voted in favor of this change.

On the contrary, some editions of Wikipedia's digital encyclopedia – among which the Spanish, French or Italian versions – have decided not to switch off their services until the time of voting and do not color them. not in black to protest against the initiative.

"If this is approved, it will significantly harm the open Internet that we all know" said the platform

Despite this action, as clarified by the rapporteurs of the new European directive, the changes would not affect websites such as Wikipedia.

One of the most controversial parts of the bill is Article 13, which proposes that webpages may continue to host music videos, provided that it is guaranteed that the Copyrighted works are not available when a specific license for their publication has not been agreed upon. EFE

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