Paz confirms negotiations with Martínez and will make an effort to strengthen


Source: StudioFútbol

Esteban Paz, director of the University Sports League of Quito, met with colleagues from SPORTS SPACE on various subjects. The leader & # 39; albo & # 39; confirmed that they were negotiating with Cristian Martinez Borja, Colombian striker.

In addition to completing the signing of the replacement of Hernán Barcos, Paz also said: "We will make the effort to engage another player, hope the economic issue allows us."

From the continuity of a highly criticized element in the "alba" model, he mentioned: "Pellerano has a contract with La Liga and these contracts must be respected."

He added: "On July 7, the Barcos brothers told me that they wanted to end the contract, I think it was uncomfortable, but we all finished well. "

Finally, why the arrival did not materialize from "Alegría y Atrevimiento": "When the Atlas proposal reached us by Fidel Martínez, she was only for sale and it's inaccessible for the league. "

Note: Víctor Loor Bonilla

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