Paz: "Offers have arrived for Orejuela"


Source: StudioFútbol

Esteban Paz, director of the University Sports League of Quito, spoke this Friday morning with colleagues from AREA SPORTS on various topics, including the future of Jefferson Orejuela. 19659002] "Jefferson Orejuela has a contract with the League, the offers have arrived, but they must speak to us, today he is concentrating on the victory, it will be in December," commented the leading leader of & # 39; King of Cups & # 39 ;.

"We have a purchase option for Orejuela, we will badyze the problem in December, we discussed with the players and they are clear about the goal," added the son of Don Rodrigo [19659002] The albos are the first stage of the tournament. To this team it is enough to tie Saturday against Guayaquil City in the stadium Christian Benitez, for the date 21 of the first stage of the Ecuadorian championship 2018.

Note: Víctor Loor Bonilla

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