Paz: "These imprudences of Gastón Rodríguez have exceeded the limit"



Source: StudioFútbol

Esteban Paz, director of the University Sports League of Quito, spoke Friday morning with colleagues from AREA SPORTS, in the program LAS VOCES DEL FÚTBOL, on several issues, among these, the controversial statements Gastón Rodríguez on social networks ..

"Very sad about the news, because of some people had to go someone who struggled every day to give the best to the club, "Expressed the offensive after the departure of Hernán Barcos last week.

"I had a strong statement against Gastón, I believe that these imprudences have exceeded the limit, but Gaston knows that things have a limit and that he has to positively add the group and should reflect that for the group.There was an important conversation with Pablo (Repetto) and the player, and he is committed, "said the leader & # 39; albo.

Finally, Paz added, "We told him that while he was determined to make a difference this semester, we would be the first to support him, but he did not know what he was doing. was not engaged, the exit doors were open.And we saw that there was this positive change, we believe that things will go well in this semester with Gastón. "

Note from: Víctor Loor Bonilla

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