Pdte. La Liga: "Cristiano left for a tax problem"


Source: MD

Javier Tebas President of LaLiga expressed his opinion Tuesday on the progress of Cristiano Ronaldo del Real Madrid club of which he is a disciple, and the manager stressed that the key to the departure of the Portuguese striker are the problems that he has with Finance .

" Ronaldo left for a tax issue. In Italy, because of the new regulations, it will charge sharper crude than in Spain. Real Madrid has struggled to compete with that and there will be more reasons, but it's a very big, "condemned Tebas who regretted that LaLiga loses a player the impact Cristiano Ronaldo's media said the competition is still a pioneer.

" A few years ago, I was worried about losing as many stars in one shot maybe nine out of ten. Now, with l '[[[[brandingwehaveI'mworriedabouta4outof10"added Tebas who participated in a roundtable of the meeting" Ibero-American Cultural Space: Audiovisual and football "International University Menéndez Pelayo (UIMP), in Santander

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