Peace has returned to the border with Colombia, said Minister Jarrin


ARCHIVER | QUITO-ECUADOR (05/02/2018). Statements of the new Minister of Defense, Oswaldo Jarrín. PHOTO API / CRISTINA VEGA.

The Minister of Defense of Ecuador, Oswaldo Jarrin said today that the atmosphere of tranquility has returned to the border with Colombia after a period anxiety about the actions of illegal armed groups. [19659003] " Peace and tranquility returned to the northern frontier of Ecuador ," he said Jarrin in statements reproduced by his office.

] During the first months of this year, illegal armed groups linked to drug trafficking created a climate of insecurity in the coastal province of Esmeraldas, in the north-west of the country and at the Colombian border. Explosive attacks, which resulted in several deaths and injuries among soldiers, as well as subsequent abductions and murders of a press team from the newspaper El Comercio and a couple of Ecuadorians, have caused declare the state of emergency in the area.

Jarrin stated that the return to tranquility in the border region has resulted in the population living there returning to work for the purpose of achieving regional development.

The tasks undertaken by the regime have resulted in the holding, in the past, of Esmeraldas, of an enlarged cabinet meeting of Ministers, said the Minister

which is the result of the design and adoption of a policy of 19459008. Defense and security for that region of the country which, early this year, has suffered the onslaught of organized crime groups.

According to Jarrin, Ecuador had not relied on this instrument in the past years and indicated that, as part of this mechanism, a Joint Task Force was set up in place, which has the ability to respond to any threats that arise in the place.

"There is respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity," he added, noting that the border defense policy has nine strategic goals that include social and economic plans. productive, in charge of the National Secretariat for Planning and Development (Senplades). EFE


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