Peru came back for "blessing" the champion: 5 out of 5 in the world


Image: Diario AS

Source: Diario AS – Javier de la Paz

The Peruvian team played again with the one who, ultimately, was the champion of the World Cup. Those of Ricardo Gareca were measured against France on the second day of the group stage and those of Deschamps ended up taking the title in Russia 2018, something that happened in every World Cup that has played the Bicolor as and as underlined Mr. Chip

It all started at the first World Cup that was organized, that of Uruguay 1930. The Peruvian team faced the 39, host in the first phase of group 3 falling the minimum thanks to a goal of Castro. The Uruguayan team would eventually lift the title after beating Argentina 4-2 in the final

The second participation of Peru came 40 years later, in Mexico 70 . After finishing second in a group formed by Federal Germany, Bulgaria and Morocco, they were coached with Brazil in the quarterfinals. Canarinha won by 4-2 in Peru and ended up winning his third World Cup by beating Italy in the grand final by 4-1.

Argentina 78 witnessed the third case. Peru is ranked first in the group stage ahead of the Netherlands, Scotland and Iran, playing in Group B of the second phase. Menotti's historic 6-0 win over the final day placed Albiceleste in the final, winning 3-1 over the Netherlands thanks to goals from Bertoni and Mario Kempes in overtime.

] The fourth case occurred in Spain 82 penultimate Peruvian participation in a World Cup. Peru drew a 0-0 draw against Cameroon before leveling against Italy falling in Poland before bidding farewell to the World Cup. The 3-1 of the Italian team at Bernabéu against Federal Germany gave them their third star.

In this World Cup Russia 2018 we experienced the last example. France won by suffering a hard Peru thanks to a lone goal from Mbappé and finished going up as champion after confirming a 4-2 in Moscow in Croatia.

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