(PHOTO) ALREADY WELCOME: Carlos Feraud arrived in Saudi Arabia


Source: StudioFútbol

On the morning of this Monday, Ecuadorian Carlos Feraud arrived in Saudi Arabia to join the Al-Hazm of that country.

The former Macará midfielder signed a contract with the Saudi club a few weeks ago and today was received by the team director as published by the club via his official Twitter account.

# الحزم
وصول اللاعب الإكوادوري كارلوس الفريدو سليفا الى مطار القصيم وكان في استقباله اداري الفريق أ. صالح الزيدي, وسيلتحق اللاعب بتمرين اليوم الأثنين الذي سيجري الساعة 7 مساء ..
س??ودي pic.twitter.com/mcMHfSFHZK

– نادي الحزم السعودي (@ AL7AZEMFC) July 16, 2018 [19659007]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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