(PHOTO) INDIVIDUAL DESIGN: Fan was tattooed in Messi as an extraterrestrial


Source: StudioFútbol

A fanatical fan of the Argentine national team and San Lorenzo has been tattooed to star Lionel Messi with a particular design, in which he appears as an alien in one of his calves.

"Some time ago, I came with Alejo, my tattoo artist, who wanted to do something original with Messi.As soon as he sent me the model, I would like to do it. I wanted to show that Leo is not from this planet, nor from this galaxy, nor from this country, and I thought it was a good way to represent it, be contemporary with Leo is exciting, "said half-tattooed Olé Federico Rodríguez

" The idea of ​​having someone like Leo's contemporary tattooed on the skin, like I like that, It's something wonderful – we should start enjoying it a lot more – when his career is over, he will be missed, "he added to the Argentine publication.

He understood everything. ?? pic.twitter.com/jiUBzmFF5D

– The Zurda Del 10 (@ iCarlitos007) July 20, 2018

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