(PHOTOS) The face says everything … what a shame for Uruguay!


Source: StudioFútbol

A few minutes before the end of the match, one of the saddest scenes was seen, that of José María Giménez.

The player, when France won by the score of two to zero (2-0), he started crying

Some of his teammates encouraged him, because they believed they could do more in the last moments.

Uruguay remained in the quarterfinals, losing the opportunity to be among the top 4 in the world.

On the other hand, France accepted the semi-finals. The rival will be the winner between Brazil and Belgium

We leave the images at your disposal!

It's love for your country ?? tears on Gimenez's face a few minutes before the end of the match against France, the charruas return home leaving the soul in every match Congratulations on the love to this shirt? pic.twitter.com/nlRm1VGWz6

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