Pinillo: "We work to play with 3 or 4 lines"


Source: StudioFútbol

Fernando Darío Pinillo, defender of the Emelec Sports Club, talks with the media and discusses the next match of the "Blue". against the Liga Deportiva Universitaria de Quito.

The clash against the albos will take place this Sunday at 16:00 at the stadium Rodrigo Paz Delgado. The commitment will be valid for the second date of stage 2 of the Ecuadorian championship 2018.

"The match with the La Liga of Quito is complicated.We played there, the last time we have drawn, they had good results in the Cup yesterday, "said the defender, saying that he knows what the league is doing on the pitch. commented: "We have good players and we work to play with a line of 3 or 4."

We leave a tweet at your disposal!

Training @CSEmelec today Thursday
Fernando Pinillo said: "The match with @LDU_Oficial is complicated, we played it, the last time that we drew, they had good results yesterday in Copa "
We have good players line 3 or 4 …"

– Aso Futbol Guayas ( @AsoGuayas) July 26, 2018

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