PLEASE KEEP TEAM: Peace: "No player with a contract will leave"



Source: StudioFútbol

Esteban Paz, director of the University Sports League of Quito, spoke Tuesday morning with colleagues of VOICES OF FOOTBALL of SPORTS SPACE on the latest news from the institution "alba" after having achieved the first stage of the Ecuadorian Championship 2018.

"We are focusing on our staff, working to keep to the goals, there are problems to solve, sports and economic, but there is a positive balance, "commented the principal leader of the" King of Cups ".

Of possible exits, the son of Don Rodrigo said: "We spoke with Pablo (Repetto), He wants to keep the team.We have received many calls from clubs and d & # 39; Businessmen looking for our players, they start offering them gold and moor, but we said that no player with a contract would leave. "

" S & L There is a sale, it will be a maximum of one player.If this happens, we will quickly find someone who can cover this space.There are players who leave and come back painlessly neither should they leave when leaders and players know that it's time, it will not go away, "he added.

"With Pablo (Repetto) we talk every day, he has a contract until December 2019. The fruits are in sight, A long-term project is set up.We want to continue to grow with the base of the players we have, "he revealed.

In addition, during the interview, the interviewee hinted that Hernán Barcos, although he announced that it would remain until December, "The Pirate "did not speak after saying that it remained, but there were rumors of Brazil 's interests.

Finally, Paz clarified: "We have solved problems and difficult times, we have always worked for the League, we are struggling and striving to be in a stellar position, we will do what we have to do. to bring the league back to where it should always be. "

Note: Víctor Loor Bonilla

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