Police find four missing girls in Ecuador


REFERENCE | ARCHIVE | Operation Fortaleza 282. Photo taken from the Twitter account of the Ministry of the Interior

The Ecuadorian Ministry of the Interior reported today that it had located four missing girls in the area. capital of the Andean country, Quito

. Girls of 9, 11, 12 and 13 years old who belonged to SOS Children's Villages, an international social development organization, were located by the National Directorate of Crimes Against Life, Violent Deaths, Disappearances, Extortion and Abductions () Dinased ).

Lieutenant-Colonel Hernán Uzcátegui, head of the Missing Dinased Unit, reported that the children had left the village of their own free will, the ministry said in a statement

. that the disappearance was reported, the technical teams executed the research protocols and through human sources, it was known that the teenagers were in the area of ​​La Roldós, north of Quito, where the investigating officers went.

He noted that the agents had found the miners "in good health" on the site and had been "handed over to the legal representative of the village". EFE

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