Pompeo will work on trade and security issues with Mexico


During his visit to Mexico, Mike Pompeo, secretary of state of EE. UU., Mike Pompeo, held a meeting with Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray, in which the two diplomats pledged to work "closely" on trade issues and border security.


Mike Pompeo" We hope to continue working with President-elect López Obrador after his inauguration on December 1.

Similarly, Pompeo congratulated Mexico for "historic elections, once again demonstrated Mexico's commitment to democracy"

For its part, Luis Videgaray said the meeting was "in an area of ​​great respect "and added that" The President of the Republic has spoken with the Secretary Pompeo about the great concern that exists in Mexico for children who have been separated from their parents at the border. "

After the meeting with President Enrique Peña Nieto, in the morning, Mike Pompeo held a meeting with President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador in the halfway house.

This is the first approach between the Republican administration and the future president of the Mexicans.

Writing NTN24

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