Pool Gavílanez: "It was a bad match, we should have scored one goal more but we did not do it"


Source: StudioFútbol

After the bitter match of Guayaquil City against Macará for the second date of the second leg of the HAVOLINE Cup The lubricants were talking about Pool Gavilanez, the coach of the team Guayaquil at the press conference

"This is part of the mistakes, today we made mistakes that we should not commit, the players have talent and abilities, obviously we work. do not go out, it's because of the work we do, the responsible for these things is us, those who work day after day with them and make the decisions we are .It was a bad match, until the expulsion did not hold up well, we should have scored another goal, but I think Macará deserves a draw for the match process that we do not have. We have not succeeded in solving. 19659002] With regard to the low level of u offensively in the second half, Gavilanez commented: "I put Luna and I released Portocarrero because the referee was committing a lot of fouls, everything we touched was bad and we did not want not stay with a man. The move from Portocarrero took away the intensity we had in the mark. "

Regarding Jose Madrid, the coach explained:" Pepe (Madrid) is an excellent player but he has not played for a long time, the idea is to give him minutes to small because otherwise it can hurt us again. I do not think he's done a bad game at what little he's played. We had not found what we wanted, the idea was to score one more goal, but we could not, we had to regroup more people and go out in counterattack even though they did not attack us. It was a bad match but I think we could have won it. We did a great job early because we knew what Macará was going to do. "

He finally mentioned," We still have to finish the actions, today it was a game that was not good, we had to win it through the process "

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