Pool Gavilánez: "We will give our lives for us, for the city of Guayaquil"


Source: StudioFútbol

After the draw against Universidad Católica, the coach of the city of Guayaquil, Pool Gavilánez appeared at a press conference where he left his impressions the commitment valid for the first date of the second stage. ] "Match pretty complicated.We face the rival that the best football is playing in the tournament.They are the highest offensive volume.I rescue more than the point that we use to add, the attitude of the players. give our lives for us, for the city of Guayaquil. "

The coach added that in this second semester he has confidence to be able to have stability. "The regularity has to be found and it has been difficult for us to form a group, the mental part of the support performance has been difficult but I think we will support it in the second stage."

Gavilanez sent a message to Ecuadorian training coordinator on one of his elements. "Today, Kevin Sambonino has played 90 minutes, which is in the year 2000 and so far, he has not been called to a micro cycle.Hope the teacher Celtic today could see it. "

The helmsman was humble and acknowledged that there was a lot of luck on his side. "We are planning to wait and go backwards, by team and by name, they have more individualities than we do.They have a player who is worth five million dollars and I think this is worth our whole model. "

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