Power and death – The EC Republic


Sergio Ramírez Mercado
Masatepe, Nicaragua

The Algerian revolution was one of the great emblems of the anti-colonial struggle of the last century and encouraged the juvenile rebellion that has proliferated the fronts of national liberation, as in Nicaragua, where the Sandinista National Liberation Front was founded. same years. Imperialism, colonialism, Sepoy tyrants are now part of the same language learned in the pages of The condemned of the earth of Franz Fanon, the prophet of those incandescent times.

Abdelaziz Bouteflika, the current president of Algeriait comes from the past that seems so far into the 21st century, especially for young people. He enlisted at age 17 in this war that sought to liberate his country from French colonial churches and, after the conquest of independence in 1962, he entered and left the dome of power over the decades. Finally reached the absolute peak in 1999 to win the elections, to add four periods now.

A total of twenty years in power, still triumphant over the overwhelming majority of voices, so voluminous that he smells fraud and deception at a distance, in a country as far removed from the heroic period of independence, suffers the rottenness of corruption.

He has aged, but it seems that he does not know it or that he does not want to notice it. He is already 82 years old, more than enough to sit and contemplate the past of his own life. But since his sickbed at the Geneva hospital, already at the gates of the end of his fourth term, he announced that he would run for the fifth time as a candidate.

It's the ambition of endless power, until death, or if it could, beyond death. The problem is that young people who invade the streets during tumultuous demonstrations against him, as we have not seen since the Arab Spring of 2010, do not want to know anything about him. They want him to leave. He then said that he would not show up again and that he would call elections, but without setting a deadline. That is, it always stays.

If people do not want to know anything about him or his own body. Bouteflika suffers from a painful old age and the list of her illnesses becomes long. After a severe stroke, he was left without possibility of being understood by the voice. What this means must be explained by the doctors who are watching him. when food is swallowed, the bite tends to be diverted to the airways, causing severe lung infections; his neurological functions are impaired and he has to be mobilized in a wheelchair.

Your clinical condition is at "permanent risk"and is far from being able to govern. But insist. It is considered irreplaceable. He suffers forever from the power syndrome, so well known among us, obsessed by his ambition even at the edge of the grave, or becoming his own silent ghost.

But to the extent that he can not articulate a word and escape drowning every time he bites, even if he must be badisted in the exercise of his physiological functions, his bedroom has been converted into a bedroom. hospital, it has twenty-four medical guards hours a day, this must go to an oxygen mask, do not give up, do not give up. Prisoner of the disease does not take it into account, and if it weighs between the illness, which remains in the illusion, and the power, which becomes reality. The worst of delusions.

In his balance sheet, whenever he opens his eyes, surrounded by household appliances, tubes and white coats, his unhealthy love is imposed on the power, though he does not exercise it. no longer really, and others distribute it to him to order on his behalf. This is not recognized as a geriatric patient. Pain, physical incapacity are indispensable; what is important is not to come out of this cone of light that will never go out, even if on the stage what the reflectors shine will be their bed. A staging in which behind it rings a military band.

And surely someone whispered in your ear: you are indispensable, Excellency, you go back, you will return to the balcony to hear this huge rumor of the crowd, this cry that resembles that of the sea. It's his real food, the only one that does not go to the airways. And everything must happen as in dreams where the cries of truth do not slip, those who demand their walk.

But Bouteflika and his peers, because the examples are too numerous, do not conceive of death as something that could affect them personally. Death is something that happens to others. A bad stranger. Something that happens only to the enemies.

That's what Oriana Falaci notes in her famous interview in 1972 with then 80-year-old Emperor Haile Selbadie. She asked one last question which disconcerted him: "How do you look at death?" He was surprised: "For what? What? He asked in his turn, "Death, Majesty," she insisted, and this overwhelmed the patience of the sovereign, who now seemed to have understood: "Death? The death? Who is this woman? Where does it come from? What does he want from me? Outside, enough! "

There, between the impregnable walls of her palace in Addis Ababa, the journalist was for him the ambbadador of death, or death itself which reminded him of the undesirables, what did not exist or who should not insist. He would die three years later, but of course he did not know and did not want to know either.

The power forever, the gift of the gods, the bloody repression and the falsified votes are consubstantial with the idea of ​​immortality. And it becomes a skin that never wrinkles, covers the body of the one who holds it, renewing itself again and again, like the mudas of snakes.

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