Power cuts in Gaza go to 18 hours due to lack of oil – La República CE


The power cuts in Gaza will increase from today to 18 hours a day after stopping the turbine in the Palestinian Strip 's only power plant due to lack of electricity. of fuel, announced the electric company of the coastal enclave. 19659002] In addition, the situation is compounded by the disconnection of one of the main lines that were providing electricity to Israel, the company added.

The increase in cuts aggravates the problem of energy shortage in Gaza.

The shortage worsened after the closure of Kerem Shalom the only commercial crossing between Israel and Gaza, which is still open only for food and medicine, and has been closed since last week for the entry of fuel and gas following the restrictions imposed by the Israeli government to put pressure on the Islamist Hamas movement for it to stop

Gaza has a dependent supply coming from Israel, funded by Palestinian National Authority (ANP), Egypt and the one that produces the only local power plant, below half the enclave, where live two million of people, has been the subject of an air, sea and land blockade by Israel since 2007, when Hamas took control of it, increasing the number of its inhabitants. in recent years due to the limited opening of the border crossing with Egypt. EFE

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