project to break the taboo of sexual health among Latinas in the United States – La República CE


The badual health and contraceptive methods are still a taboo subject in many Latin American households, that is why in 2014 Root, a project of was born] Planned Parenthood which seeks to grow this year from five southern states to nineteen across the country.

In some states, such as Arizona, bad education does not appear in school programs and remains at the expense of families, that in many cases they do not have the time or knowledge to take on this task or even think that it is not appropriate to talk about it.

"My mother never spoke to me about it, we saw it as something of güeros (white)," acknowledged Efe Alejandra Sánchez, an undocumented Mexican raised in the US. Utah who knew Planned Parenthood when she was in high school and was looking for a way to take birth control pills.

Years later, Sánchez a Corporado a Planned Parenthood the largest network of badual and reproductive health clinics in the United States, responsible for relations with the Latin American community.

From her position, the young woman defends the importance of all the information on badual health are in Spanish and in the staff of organizations like yours, there are workers from the origin Hispanic, especially in positions of power.

Something similar happened to María Valle Coto, of Salvadorian descent, who knew Planned Parenthood as a patient and now works as a director of the root in Illinois.

It is there that it was explained the causes and side effects of the contraceptive method that he had chosen, something that his doctor did not

He admits to having acquired his bad education in a self-taught way through the Planned Parenthood website and that after months of participation in the organization, he was told to speak with his mother of these problems, which they had never discussed before, like many Latino families

" My mother grew up with this idea that all kinds of reproductive education were bad and that it was not my right. "I know it, but my husband when we got married ," said Valle Coto.

The two young people are currently in Detroit, where 2,000 volunteers from Planned Parenthood -300 of them Latinos – traveled to learn how to run election campaigns in preparation for the November legislative elections.

"This is the first opportunity, since Donald Trump won, to restore a balance and elect women's reproductive rights advocates," said the political director of Planned Parenthood Deirdre Schifeling, who hopes that Democrats can get a majority in both legislative chambers.

Schifeling He wants to achieve a democratic victory to achieve three goals: stop the dismantling of the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare, and the removal of funds at Planned Parenthood . access to abortion in the event of a possible setback by the Supreme Court and at the end of the new Title X reform law, known as the "gag law".

This new law targets organizations that practice abortions. can not receive funding from Title X, the only federal program that funds the badual health of people with limited resources and without health insurance.

The political director of the organization believes that in the next elections, the Latino community is "crucial" to win a democratic victory, and celebrates that the Root project "is much more successful in reaching the voters with whom traditional parties do not get it "

" It's a critical moment for women's reproductive rights and we know that every time there are attacks on the health system, it especially touches women of color, the collective LGTBQ and people with low, "summarized the Executive Vice President of Planned Parenthood Dawn Laguens.

Laguens warned of" hostile "attacks from the Department of Health on the Teenage Pregnancy Prevention System: Sexual Abstinence. "

Regretted that the Trump Administration has removed from its website information on topics such as: ls that bad cancer or non-discrimination by badual identity. EFE


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