Pussy Riot activists sentenced to 15 days of arrest


July 17, 2018, 17:43

In addition to the conviction, the court banned the three men and one woman from attending sporting events in the country for the next three years.

  Pussy Riot Group

After a group of activists invaded the field during the second half of the World Cup final between France and Croatia, a Moscow court sentenced the four people to 15 days of arrest and will not be able to attend sports events in the country in the next three years.

The three men and a woman from the punk band Pussy Riot, who is known for his criticism of the Kremlin, wore old military uniforms during his speech at the Luzhnik Stadium, "

" I wanted to show how power structures are applied unequally, "said one of those sentenced, according to the Russian news agency Interfax. [196] 59007] The group made known the convictions through a publication on his Facebook account, calling for an end to police violence in Russia, the release of political prisoners and the authorization of the political competition in the country.

Writing NTN24

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