Putin says summit with Trump has paved the way for "positive change" – EC Republic


Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with US President Donald J. Trump during a bilateral meeting at the summit of state and government leaders of the G20 in Hamburg (Germany) today , 7 July 2017. EFE / MICHAEL KLIMENTYEV

The President of Russia, Vladimir Putin today declared that his bilateral summit in Helsinki with his American counterpart, Donald Trump opened "the way to positive changes" in bruised relations between the two countries.

"Despite all the differences in our positions, we have agreed that Russian-American relations (…) are even worse than at the time of" He added that the problems accumulated over the years are not not fixed in a few hours, which was the first to last, "Putin said during the meeting in Moscow with Russian ambbadadors abroad and the leadership of the Foreign Ministry

. two presidents, but stressed that "the road to positive change began to work."

"We need a positive program, aimed at cooperation, the search for connection points. We spoke about it during the meeting with the President of the USA, (…) who generally succeeded and led to useful agreements " emphasized the Kremlin leader

At the same time, he deplores Des forces willing to easily sacrifice Russian-American relations on the altar of their "political" ambitions

These forces, he added, "are ready to sacrifice even questions of their own security" the interests of its allies in Europe and the Middle East, and the interests of its own companies.

"They are ready to lose jobs in the United States" by giving up cooperation with Russian companies, and " tens of thousands (jobs), or maybe hundreds of thousands, "he said. [ad_2]
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