Pyonyang Fulfills the Agreement and begins to dismantle one of its missile bases – La República CE


A man watches a television report on a North Korean missile test using images at a train station in Seoul, South Korea, on Saturday, April 29, 2017. (AP Photo / Lee Jin

North Korea began dismantling its Sohae missile base, according to satellite photos released today, an important move that can advance dialogue with Washington on denuclearization.

This is the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un who promised the President of the United States, Donald Trump to disbademble the test-engine test bench of this center of launching.It is the US President himself after the historic summit held on June 12 in Singapore

The images, which were taken on July 20 and 22 and which are disclosed and badyzed today by 38north specialized site, They show that the work of dem The main structures of the Sohae base in the northwestern province of Pyongang del Norte, near the border with China, began two weeks ago.

that the regime began to dismantle the liquid fuel engine test bed, used to develop key technologies for space rockets and intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) of the North Korean weapons program. Korean.

The images also show that he began to disarm the building used for the badembly of the projectiles before their establishment on the launch pad.

On the other hand, a South Korean intelligence source consulted by the Yonhap agency confirmed in turn what we see in some photographs: the army North Korea has also begun to uninstall a crane in the launch area.

Around 2011, Sohae is considered the main base of North Korea's space program and has been the scene of three major launches.

The launches – carried out in April and December 2012 and February 2016 – were made to try to put orbit the satellite program Kwangmyongsong (shining star), something that the international community considered an excuse to try ICBM technology and that the UN Security Council ended up sanctioning accordingly.

Seoul wanted to positively evaluate the regime's gesture after the news.

"Surely this has a positive effect on the issue of denuclearization.This signal is better than nothing and I think that the North is progressing step by step towards disarmament" said Nam Gwan-pyo, One of the directors of the National Security Bureau, who reports to South Korean President Moon Jae-in.

The dismantling of Sohae can help speed up the US-North Korean dialogue process after both parties agreed in Singapore to improve their ties and work toward the "total denuclearization" of the peninsula. Washington guarantees the survival of the regime.

However, the signed statement was criticized for not having specified protocols or concrete measures and the last visit to Pyongyang of the US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, came to emphasize the different priorities of the parties involved and the complexity of a process that promised to be very long.

In this sense, the regime once again urged Seoul and Washington to sign a treaty that ends the state of technical warfare that hangs over the Korean peninsula, to which the state department has responded yesterday saying that there would be a peace agreement "once North Korea nuclear-free".

The news of the dismantling also comes one day after Trump said "very happy" with the development of negotiations with Pyongyang in order to refute the contrary information that has emerged last days

Last weekend, several media, including the Washington Post, badured that Trump had repeatedly expressed frustration to his team because nothing was done in Singapore. EFE

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