rapper Chris Brown, arrested in Florida, is released on bail


Rapper Chris Brown, 29, was arrested for "badault" on Thursday in Florida, where he was scheduled to play a concert, and was released soon after on a $ 2,000 bail, announced today. County Sheriff's Office. Hillsborough, on the west coast of the state

Brown was arrested almost at midnight in West Palm Beach as a result of a arrest warrant issued a year ago by police of the Hillsborough County

. Bailey, Rihanna's former boyfriend, was convicted in 2009 of badaulting her and uttering death threats against her.

19659003] And in 2013, the rapper and his bodyguard were arrested and charged with a "serious badault crime" after an altercation outside a hotel in Washington, a charge that was lowered later the next day at

The same year, Brown was expelled from a rehabilitation center after breaking the window of his mother's car during a family therapy session.

A judge ordered him to immediately enter another rehab program.

This early rapper managed to get into the charts at the age of 16 and became famous thanks to hits like Run It or Love More. EFE

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