Reform of the Cuban Constitution aims to consolidate the Castro, according to exile – La República CE


The first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba and already ex-President Raúl Castro (d) raises the arms of the new President new President, Miguel Díaz-Canel (i) today, Thursday, April 19, 2018, at the the closing session of the Ninth Legislature of the National Assembly of People's Power, Havana (Cuba). EFE / Alexandre Meneghini / POOL

The imminent reform of the Cuban Constitution led by the former president Raúl Castro is a maneuver aimed at " to legalize the regime of "and to protect the interests" and "the power of the family" of Castro two groups of exiles coincided today in Miami

This Constitutional reform conceals a prime objective: to establish a " Military Government General to oversee technical positions for the best management by the new generation of Castro ," said Efe Orlando Gutierrez, Secretary General of the Democratic Leadership Group

According to Gutiérrez, with the constitutional reform announced, the General Defense Council becomes the "de facto" government of the island, "the civil power weakens" and, in addition, the p Progress is made in the plains of Castro to establish a government of generals "technicians supervisors" in the economic field.

It is, summary, a "gross" attempt to "reprint the manual to be more effective in the state of oppression of the Cuban people", a text that, "without any definition", can be defined as Magna Carta.

" A Constitution is a Bill of Rights Limiting the Powers of the State Against the Sovereignty of the State"

The National Assembly of Cuba (Unicameral Parliament) concluded this Sunday, two days, debates on the preliminary draft of the reform of the Constitution, which will be submitted to the popular consultation between August 13 and November 15.

Concerning the planned elimination of references to communism in the constitutional reform Gutiérrez pointed out that it is a mere makeup, since the Communist Party of Cuba (CCP) continues to be the only political party authorized on the island, while being the "true government of the country"

Like Gutiérrez, Ramón Saúl Sánchez, president of the Movimiento Democracia, argues that this constitutional reform does not involve any modification of the communist political system in the Caribbean island

" I suppose that Raúl Castro wants to create the post of prime minister for some of his children, Alejandro or Mariela, or a member of the unconditional family ", said Saúl Sánchez, who is convinced that this reform aims to" protect the interests and safety of the Castro family. "

" Not that (Miguel) Díaz-Canel (President of Cuba) is not an unconditional Castro but once Castro [19459] 009] disappear may contain ideas that are a "problem for the security of Castro" he ventured

He also agreed with Gutiérrez that the exclusion of the word communism from the constitutional text is a simple "tactical", since the Communist Party remains the only authorized and serves as "rector of Cuban society".

He adds: "It's an insult to intelligence and a virtual way of claiming the conditions of a progressive revolution that freed the Cubans." For its part, the opposition Cuban Rosa Maria Payá, daughter of the late dissident Oswaldo Payá Sardiñas, badured Efe that the announced constitutional reform is a tool that "the dictatorship needs", desperately to legitimize itself in the face of popular discontent "and" the impending physical disappearance of so-called "historical leaders."

Payá thought that the whole process of the reform is a "fraud" and "lack of guarantees", and pointed out that the "drafters of the draft", members of the National Assembly, "have not been elected by Cuban citizens" and that there is no opportunity to campaign, nor the presence of independent observers

but also, he added win no, the result is the same: Party Communist in perpetuity, "because" the dictatorship "has already made understand the irrevocability of socialism and the communist party as" leading force "of society and the state". EFE


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