Rejection of a complaint against "The Shape of Water" for alleged plagiarism – La República CE


"The form of water" ("The form of water" in Spanish). Photo taken from the internet

A US federal judge rejected a complaint against the film " The Shape of Water " (The Water Form 2017), directed by the Mexican Guillermo del Toro, for alleged plagiarism of play "Let Me Hear You Whisper" (1969) by playwright Paul Zindel.

"In summary, despite some superficial similarities and some basic points of the scenario that they share, the film's stories and" The work is different, "said federal judge Percy Anderson of central California on Monday. in a decision made today by the local media.

David Zindel, son of the late playwright Paul Zindel, said in February that the similarities between his father's work and the film are so great that the film should be seen as an adaptation of this text.

Zindel's lawsuit was directed against Fox Searchlight studio, director William Toro and badociate producer Daniel Kraus for violating the rights of its author, now in the hands of children The playwright.

The plot of Zindel's play articulates around the relationship established between an introverted caregiver who forms a strange friendship with a dolphin while he's was working in a military laboratory during the Cold War.

In "The Shape of Water", written by Del Toro and Vanessa Taylor, a mute cleaning woman establishes a sentimental relationship with a marine creature in a military laboratory during the Cold War and sets in motion a mission to liberate her and prevent his death.

This film was the winner of the last Oscars by winning four awards: Best Film, Best Director (Del Toro), Best Soundtrack and Best Production Design. EFE


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