Rejection of primers on sexual diversity in Chile


31 July 2018, 09:38

Deputies of the evangelical group reject the distribution of material in the country's schools and describe it as an "aberration".

A great controversy triggered the distribution of books on diversity and bad education in schools in Chile. The action taken by the Ministry of Education was severely criticized by at least three deputies of the evangelical group

It all began four years ago when the story was attempted to bring history to Nicolás. rejection wave

The current measure results from an agreement between groups of badual diversity and the Ministry of Education of Chile on the need to promote these issues within educational institutions.

It is from this year that we have had Considering the publication of at least five books that give an overview of badual diversity today.

Leonidas Romero, an evangelical deputy, expressed that he hopes the minister will take action in this regard, by studying ancient books because they are tendentious and ideologization.

Writing of NTN24

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