Relatives of murdered journalists gave information to the IACHR – La República CE


Relatives of the press team of the Ecuadorian newspaper El Comercio on Wednesday handed over declbadified information, provided by the government, to the members of the Special Monitoring Team (SEA) formed by the Inter-American Commission Human Rights (IACHR) to investigate and clarify the abduction and subsequent killing.

After receiving the documents, Esmeralda Arosemena, Vice President of the IACHR, said that the ESE would conduct a thorough badysis of the information received, because the purpose is

"We Want to reach the truth, justice and not repetition, that this is a case that becomes emblematic especially for the protection of journalists across the continent, "he told the media. from journalist Javier Ortega, photographer Paúl Rivas and pilot Efraín Segarra, members of the press team that was executed by Oliver Sinisterra facade faction, headed by Walter Arízala, aka "Guacho", said that information they received from the Ecuadorian Government was not reserved, but "public".

"We are going to examine the documents, we will withdraw them as is and we will make an official request for the documents that we believe should contribute to this investigation," said Rivas, brother of the photojournalist.

Rivas insisted for that they again ask the governments of Ecuador and Colombia for information on this matter, all operational documents and reports of the Crisis Committee

The members of the SEE are arrived in Ecuador the day before and will remain in the country until July 27. During this period, they will meet with the families of the victims and with the authorities and the institutions in charge of investigations.

On this first day of the visit, the commissioners met the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility, Andrés Terán

The delegation is also composed of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of IHR, Edison Lanza, and the expert on the IACHR's precautionary team, Luz Adriana Camargo.

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