Relatives of the missing in Ecuador demand truth and justice


Relatives of the disappeared in Ecuador left in March to demand that the government take the necessary measures to clarify the cases of disappearance in the country.

Telmo Pacheco, President of the Association of Parents and Friends of Missing Persons Ecuador (Asfadec) asks the government to give the necessary tools to prosecutors so that they can conduct investigations and to give an answer to families.

In an act of solidarity, the relatives of the journalists of the newspaper El Comercio They were killed, they joined the march.

"We understand what these families have endured, in our case we were able to recover the bodies, but there are thousands of cases where they know nothing," Ricardo Rivas said. murdered photojournalist.

According to government figures, about 1,200 missing persons have been reported, however, the president of the Association n relatives and friends of missing persons in Ecuador says the current figure raises to more than 4,000.

The Association of Relatives and Friends of Missing Persons in Ecuador requests a hearing at the International Commission on Human Rights, which will arrive on Wednesday to receive declbadified information on the case of the three missing journalists.

Writing NTN24

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