Revealed the salary that the Bolillo will win at the head of The Tri


Source: StudioFútbol

Hernán Darío Gómez and his team of coaches will win a million dollars as part of the Ecuadorian national team, as well as the famous journalist Reinaldo Romero.

Thanks to his Twitter account Romero has indicated the amount that the Colombian will receive after his return to the Tricolor after 14 years.

The salary is not far from what the FEF was paying at the time to the previous technical corps led by Gustavo Quinteros (who was earning 1.1 million a year

The & Bolillo & Is aiming to requalify the tricolor in a World Cup.

. @FEFecuador will pay a million dollars a year to Hernán Darío Gómez and his technical team:
Physical trainer
] Technical Assistant
Preparer of Archers # Panama offered $ 1.5 million

– Reinaldo Romero (@reijournalist) July 18, 2018

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