Rosana Alvarado rejects the report on Galo Lara – La República CE


Rasana Alvarado. Photo taken of Justice.

The Minister of Justice, Rosana Alvarado, rejected today in an interview conducted by Radio Majesty, the report prepared by the Inter-American Institute for Democracy (IID) on the former Gonadalista Galo Laro, who was sentenced by the correísta justice to ten years in prison for his complicity in a triple crime committed in 2011.

"I deny categorically this report which after all was moderate (…) .It is a report that I find really very useful, "said the minister.

The IID commission paid a humanitarian visit to Lara last May. On Tuesday, July 24, the official report was submitted to the Department of Justice.

"They went to my office.It is a report full of spelling errors, with impressions and falsities, that later they left that in writing. I said that I was going to take actions that fit with me, "said Alvarado.

The report prepared by the IID notes that Lara suffers from physical and psychological abuse, that her heels are marked with chains and her feet have deformities Due to her health condition and her lack of shoes

President of the Human Rights Commission, Armando Valladares, claimed that Lara's conditions of detention were "subhuman"

. "His situation has changed since the administration changed, in the time of the previous president (Rafael Correa) they had not given him any medical badistance, the documents that proved that they They were taken to the hospital were wrong and Correa was behind. " 19659009] (I)

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