Rubio warns against the possibility of a civil war in Nicaragua – La República CE


Senator Marco Rubio. Photo by Archivo La Republica

Washington (EFE) .- The influential US Senator, Marco Rubio warned today that the risk of "civil war is real in Nicaragua "and accused against the government of President Daniel Ortega for" staining with his blood hands "with violent repression of demonstrations, which left about 351 dead.

"The possibility of a civil war Nicaragua is real" said Rubio, a member of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, in an interview to the program of the 39 State of the CNN Union . As a result of this hypothetical escalation of the crisis Nicaragua said, "could trigger a migration crisis" .

"This would undermine anti-drug efforts in the region.There is a direct interest in national security for the United States. Nicaragua ," added the senator of Florida and infuriating to the Republican presidential candidacy.

For this reason, he regretted that Ortega gave up the opportunity to stop the current crisis with democratic concessions to the protesters' demands.

"The message to Ortega's regime Nicaragua was very clear: you call early elections, you allow legitimate elections, and that progresses and everyone is fine." But if you stain your hands with blood, this is no longer possible.And they decided to stain their hands with blood. "

Rubio said that the US Congress is preparing draconian sanctions against the government. Ortega and his officials in retaliation for their actions.

The socio-political crisis, which has lasted for more than three months, has left between 277 and 351 dead and more than 2,000 wounded in the country of Central America.

Discomfort in Nicaragua has been brewing for years with complaints of opposition fraud in the 2008 municipal elections and the last two presidential elections, in 2011 and 2016, in which Ortega has ran for reelection, despite the fact that he was originally prevented by the Constitution. EFE (I)


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