RUMBO IN BRAZIL: Bryan Cabezas will be Fluminense's new player


Source: StudioFootball

Bryan Cabezas would become a new player of the Fluminense of Brazil according to information known in those days by the press of this country.

The Ecuadorian end of 21 is currently playing in Serie B Avellino of Italy, although his pbad belongs to Atalanta of the same country.

The player, who according to what is reported this afternoon traveled to the South American country to sign his contract and would come to lend for 1 year with option to buy club run by Abel Braga and again become a partner of Junior Sornoza, with whom he shared at Independiente del Valle.

Bryan Cabezas will be new player of @ FluminenseFC
The player has traveled this afternoon to Rio de Janeiro sign his contract with the team
(1 year loan with option d & # 39; purchase)

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