# Russia2018 (PHOTO) IF THEY WERE IN 4: Cristiano and Messi present in Russia vs. Croatia


Source: StudioFootball

In the first half of the match between Russia and Croatia for the quarter-finals of the World Cup there was a special curiosity.

This is the one in the middle of the stands "Appeared" Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi and curiously support the Russian hostess.

They were two fans who wore masks of the best players in the world who made the Portuguese and Argentina are in the quarterfinals despite being eliminated in the round of 16 against Uruguay and France respectively .


# Russia2018 (PHOTO) ??? WHERE THEY ARRIVED IN SOWING: Cristiano and Messi present in the #RUS against #CRO #RUSCRO ?: FIFA pic.twitter.com/DhH6Vikxnl

– StudioFootball (@StudioFutbol) July 7, 2018

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