# Russia2018 RETURNS MARCELO: 11 from Brazil to face Belgium!


Source: MD

The Brazilian national team will play against Belgium with the confirmed eleven: Alisson; Fagner, Thiago Silva, Miranda, Marcelo; Fernandinho; Willian, Paulinho, Philippe Coutinho, Neymar and Gabriel Jesus. The coach explained that "I spoke with Marcelo and Filipe Luis." Marcelo left the team because of a clinical problem and did not return to the next match in Due to a physical problem Filipe Luis played very well in both games and it was my decision to return Marcelo.In the place of Casemiro will play Fernandinho The versatility of Gabriel Jesus allows us to adjust the team, all the players are decisive. "

The Paulinho suffering from back pain, the coach has added that "Paulinho left the field the last game He had received a blow in the back, at the moment he is with less physical conditions." Marquinhos can play in this position, he was already playing with me like that. as a professional was against the Palmeiras of the wheel.It has the features to play there. "[1 9659004]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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