# Russia2018 The bet between Zlatan and Beckham for Sweden – England


Source: StudioFĂștbol

The match between Sweden and England tomorrow for the quarter-finals of the World Cup has generated an interesting cross between the Swede Zlatan Ibrahimovic and the Englishman David Beckham, both already retired from their respective selections.

The Swede offered a bet to the English in his Instagram account stating: "Hey @davidbeckham if England wins I buy food anywhere in the world that you want, but if Sweden wins you buy whatever I want from IKEA. Ok? "

Beckham replied to Zlatan:" @imzlatanibrahimovic If Sweden wins, I'll go personally buy an IKEA for your home in Los Angeles, but when England wins, I want you to accompany me to Wembley to watch a match of England with the national team jersey and enjoying dads and fish at half-time "

Beckham's answer to Zlatan Ibrahimovic's bet pic.twitter.com/EBlWqrqLrU

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